Are you feeling as frustrated and powerless as I am over the utter
absurdity, the absolute outrage of a Donald Trump presidency? Here are
ten simple acts of protest you can use against the soon-to-be
loose-cannon, reality-star president of the United States:
1. Refuse to capitalize the title of president in front of the man’s name.
2. Write or call your congressional representatives—whichever
side of the aisle they call home—and tell them why you believe Trump’s
self-serving, fear-mongering policies are an affront to the time-honored
American Values you believe in, and for which so many of our countrymen have fought and died.
Call him out for his outrageous decisions, actions and
comments through whatever means at your disposal.
Get out and make a statement with your presence. Make a sign and stand
on a busy street corner. Attend one of the inauguration day (and
next-day) marches—in Washington DC or one of many other cities throughout the U.S. and around the world.
I was going to suggest flying your American flag upside down, but that
would demean what the USA stands for, not what Trump stands for. So make
your own simple flag or banner—duct tape will do nicely—with a big,
bold “T” on it. Then hang that upside down.
Follow daily news reports of Trump’s outrageous decisions, actions and
comments from sources known for some degree of journalistic integrity.
Then call him out for them through whatever means at your
disposal—conversations, social media, blogs, etc. (Fight the urge to
react to all the man’s taunts—a reaction calculated by Trump and his
misinformation squad to spread dissent so thin that it won’t be taken
seriously. Pick one or two especially egregious missteps—for example,
his refusal to release his tax returns—and go for depth and repetition
rather than breadth.)
6. Put your money where your mouth is—by donating to Planned Parenthood,
an environmental protection group, a refugee aid program or any
organization you believe in which Trump has threatened to gut. Or don’t put your money where his mouth is, by boycotting Trump-related products or services, businesses that carry them, and sponsors of Trump’s media content. There’s even an APP for that.
Pray that this embarrassment to our great nation will
soon be brought down—as have so many tyrants before
him—by his own excesses.
7. Find and use a “Not My President!” shirt, banner or other public statement of your disgust with everything this charlatan stands for.
8. Use the #NotMyPresident hashtag in your social media posts.
9. Add something like “Latest Trump Embarrassment” as a Signature
to appear automatically at the end of every email you send. Keep it up
to date with the previous day’s biggest presidential blunder or blather.
Pray. Pray that this embarrassment to our great nation will soon be
brought down—as have so many tyrants before him—by his own excesses.
(Doing so, of course, in a spirit of loving kindness ;-), and realizing
we must be Creation’s instruments in bringing about any such change.)
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