Wednesday, December 13, 2023


It's been eighteen months since my last rant here. Oh, how I've prayed that an upwelling of Americans' disillusionment and outrage—not to mention the legal system—might have rid us of a tyrant so vile that neither the Founding Fathers nor any lawmaker since thought to protect the country from him.

Alas, that hasn't happened, so here we go again.

The Bratman seems bound for another run at the office he so thoroughly defiled just a few years ago. Apparently, millions of fans of the reality TV star-turned-dictator simply don't care that: 

    • he made our country the laughing stock of the free world;

    • he's openly expressed his admiration for dictators...and refused to rule out his becoming
      one if re-elected;

    • he's demonstrated, in virtually every action of his personal and business life, that he's
      the antithesis of both a "true American" and a "good Christian."

    • he faces four separate prosecutions, and no fewer than 91 criminal charges;

    • his company's been convicted of 17 felonies;

Incredibly, somewhere around 35 percent of my fellow Americans still think he's the guy they want their kids looking up to.

   I wrote, stuffed and mailed 560 of those hand-written notes.


So here I am resurrecting the same mental health mantra I employed nearly every day of his four-year fiasco: Is there something I can do about it right now? If so, do it. If not, let it go.

Back then what I did about it was to enlist in Vote Forward, which organizes volunteers to write millions of get-out-the-vote letters, and then send them to individuals it's identified as inclined not to vote, but, if they did vote, would be inclined to vote democratic.

I wrote, stuffed and mailed 560 of those hand-written notes. It was good therapy. Every one of them kept my brain and hands busy for a while, spared me having to see or hear another of the twerp's ego ejaculations, and afforded me, between bouts of hand cramping, five to ten minutes of relative peace. 

Another thing that helped was my venting here at Pop This Boil. I don't consider myself at all politically astute, but I do love democracy and worry deeply about losing it. Being able to express that concern—even to the limited audience this blog reaches—was liberating.

    I'm assuming the candidate will be good ol' Joe.

Now that election day 2024 is less than a year away, I plan to employ the same strategies, writing letters, blogging...and praying. So keep an eye out here and on my Facebook page. I also want to apply my modest gifts as a graphic designer to show as many people as possible who's the better presidential choice.

(I, like many other folks I know, would very much like to see a younger, more dynamic candidate emerge on the democratic ticket. Someone like Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg or even—don't laugh—Duane (The Rock) Johnson. But since that seems not to be happening, I'm assuming the candidate will be good ol' Joe.)

So, based on that assumption, here are a few of my ideas for a bumper sticker and/or lawn sign campaign: 


Let me know what you think. If you could get one of these signs for your car or lawn (free, or let's say for a small donation to the candidate), which, if any, would you pick?