Tuesday, July 11, 2017

DEAR JOHN – My Rebuttal to an Avid Trump Supporter's Facebook Comment


I take umbrage at your referencing our ship of state from what you seem to think is a nautical perspective. Particularly from my point of view as former member of the US Navy in Viet Nam while you were draft dodging your way thru college at the same time I was serving this great nation. Oh by the way while putting my ass on the line everyday never once did I complain that I was in combat on behalf of Kennedy or Johnson............both former naval officers with whom I shared no political ideology.

I served, never bitched and after I was finished I started another adventure in this thing called life.

As to your aspersions that our president has no experience as the captian of the ship of state would you be so kind as to enumerate what quaifcations Obama had prior to assuming the presidency.

Did he ever sign a payroll check for the employees of a company he built?

Did he ever deal with budgets, deadlines, bureaucratic red tape, or anything similar before bcoming a useless (I vote "Present") US senator?

Did he ever pay 132 million dollars in federal taxes in 1 year?

The guy is a jerk, could have done so much for the black people and people of color in our fantastic country, yet he choose to do nothing and destroy the hard work of those preceeding him. You truly have no idea what these issues are about because you live in your lily white world and white bread community and have never, ever spent any reasonable time (years) like I have and see it fr what it really is!

He like most of the rest of the world decided to play Ostrich and ingnore the Islamic nations who want to take over the world and kill people like me and you! Now our current president has to deal with the problems Obama created.

Trump has been in office less than 180 days and if you had your way you would have had him tarred and feathered already and run out of town on a rail.

Just stay under the bell jar Willus, keep looking out at the world with your rose colored glasses and when the going gets tough throw stones and then put your head back in the ground.

I would like to write more but I have a life to live and frankly wasting time on hypocrite bigots like you isn't worth my valuable time.


I hate no one. Nor do I judge anyone,. I just call them the way I see them. My solace in all of this is that someday we will all leave this mortal coil and stand before our God!. Let see how God sorts it all out.

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John, it’s hard to take you seriously when you start your rebuttal with a lie. You have most certainly judged me -- presuming to know my service record, lumping me into your despised “liberal elite,” calling me a “hypocrite bigot.”

Though I shouldn’t presume to know you as well as you do me, I suspect, from all the fear and anger you reveal, that you are a man of limited faith. Oh, you have a great deal of it in yourself, your buddies, and certainly in your beliefs. But, despite playing the patriotic veteran card, you demonstrate very little faith in your country.

Instead of believing as I do that the USA can -- and should - be leading the world into the future, you’re going to bat for a man whose every decision, every action has been a cowardly retreat into our own safe, secure, self-important little shell. This man you think is such a great deal maker, has already dealt this country out of the game. That’s not my idea of “great”-ness.

You say I’m the one with my head in the sand? Supporters of this imbecile have demonstrated a degree of self-deception unparalleled in my lifetime. He’s blatantly serving the interests of big business -- including his own business interests -- over those of working-class Americans, families and a clean, healthy environment. He’s making a fool of you…and you choose, incredibly, to let him do it.

You say he’s only been at it 180 days? Apparently not enough time to accomplish much at all in a positive vein. But it’s sure been enough time to do considerable damage. Through not just his blundering policy efforts, but by his treasonous opening of himself and his representatives to manipulation at the hands of our sworn enemies, and by his shameful personal behavior, he’s already put U.S. prestige and the very integrity of our democratic process on the brink of collapse.

In just 180 days, Trump has made the US the pariah, the laughing stock, of the world. If you’re so proud of our country, how can you support someone abusing it’s time-honored values so badly?

And don’t even get me going on the self-professed “Christian” values espoused by so many in your camp. Very little of what this administration has done anything to do with the values I hold dear as a Christian. Love thy neighbor? Yeah, as long as he’s just exactly like you.

You say Obama was weak on confronting our country’s enemies? This from a guy whose chosen flag-bearer talks tough about our enemies, but has proven he’ll sleep with them as long as they keep telling him how big his…hands are?

I guess you simply don’t care how bad it gets. Much worse health care; the truly needy shoved under the bus; consumers at the mercy of business, higher threat of war; more and more natural disasters, a dysfunctional government, and a dispirited people with no vision for the future… It doesn’t matter; you’ll still call it a victory.

It seems all you care about is that someone -- anyone -- sticks it to that big, bad “liberal elite” who pretends to be so smart. (By the way, John, they are smart about a lot of stuff, and they can prove it -- with facts, not just beliefs.)

Finally, John, while you’re so enraged over my self-righteousness, you demonstrate your own version of the same shortcoming. The difference, as I see it, is that my version aims high. Yours -- the one that believes this egotistical, small-minded little prick is going to save you and your defensive, unimaginative notion of American values -- appears to aim quite low.