Tuesday, January 31, 2017

GOVERNANCE BY LAWSUIT – The Only Game trump Knows

Are you ready for the era of governance by lawsuit?

Donald trump’s long-time personal attorney and mentor, mob lawyer Roy Cohn, taught him well how to use the law as an aggressive weapon against the slightest objection or criticism. Now trump has brought his next personal attorney, Michael Cohen—also known for his take-no-prisoners aggression—with him to the White House.

It’s the only strategy—business or personal—trump has ever known. It’s simple. You do whatever you want to do, no matter how unscrupulous.

Someone challenges you? You instantly discredit them to the world with whatever Twitter prattle you want—doesn’t matter how ridiculous. The person sues you? No problem; you just counter-sue them for 100 times the money.

Incredible how many of those pesky little former employees, business dupes, cheated consumers—oh, and women…don’t get me going on women—you can scare away like that.

        Just more fodder for this clinically-narcissistic 
        child-man's insatiable appetite for attention.

Nonetheless, at last report, there were still some 75 lawsuits against trump and his businesses with enough staying power to survive, some of which have undoubtedly followed him into the white house.

Gee, do you think being subpoenaed for court appearances and depositions might prove a distraction to the new president? Just ask Bill Clinton. Of course trump would say he loves this shit—and he’d be right. Just more fodder for this clinically-narcissistic child-man’s insatiable appetite for attention.

Besides, all that other “presidenting”—you know, stuff like sensitive diplomacy with world leaders, crafting smart, constructive legislative initiatives, commanding the armed forces with clarity and restraint, serving as a role model for millions of American kids—that crap just bores him.

Trump knows no other way. Dashing the hopes of supporters who’d hoped he might become at least somewhat more disciplined once he was actually in office, he continues to spend a shocking proportion of his time on the defensive. Hunched over his Korean-made Samsung Galaxy smartphone, he scours Twitter for folks he sees as threats to his ego, and crudely disses them.

I know you are, but what am I? And by the way, your mother's a whore.

The man's insecurity knows no bounds. If you won't adore him as he demands, you're the enemy, be you a citizen, a government official—elected or appointed—or even a long-standing, loyal ally of the United States.

So presidential.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

trump Declares World Peace


By Jeffrey Willius – One Man’s Venting
THE WHITE HOUSE – In a hastily-called press conference this morning, president Donald Trump declared that, in a major deal he’s struck with world leaders, there is now world peace.

Notably, with the exception of this reporter, journalists from mainstream, objective news sources were barred from the session, left to watch though binoculars for any signs of activity visible through the West Wing's windows from a barricaded area across the street in Lafayette Square.

Despite only reporters approved by the president being allowed into the press briefing room—and those asking only questions scripted by the White House to help simulate for Trump a much- coveted position on the world stage—it did not take long for that manipulation to backfire on him.

For the first question, president Trump called on Harold Ingvetz, former chief of the Little Rock bureau of the National Jingoist Journal. “Mr. President, you’ve accomplished something world leaders have struggled with for centuries. What will this new era of peace look like to the average red-blooded, patriotic American?”

        "These guys...that Angelica Markle of Belgium—
        she's one overrated leader—they don't have to tell 
        me what world peace is."

Trump replied, “Let me be crystal clear, folks. This will be a tremendous peace...like...Russia’s great leader, Putin...what he was able to bring into Trimea…the place was hemorrhaging unpeace. Then he comes to the table and, wow, let’s just say everyone knows where they stand. No, this is a total, very big, terrific peace.”

Another reporter asked, “How will the peace be enforced?” The president, turning to wink at Michael Flynn, his national security advisor, standing just behind him, replied, “Look, I have over 21 billion followers on Twitter. These war people—the Arabs, the Burning Bush down in Honduras, the Bengazis—they’re big followers…huge followers!”

Trump continued, “Hey, the good guys...my friend Nathan Yahoo in Israel…and besides…they love me. They all know…they don’t come to the table…that’s it…it’s history…big time.”

When asked how he’d managed to conduct so many one-on-one peace negotiations with world leaders in just his first few days in office, the president was dismissive. “I’ll do those meetings when I need them. I don't have to be told—you know, I'm, like, a smart person," Trump said. “These guys…that Angelica Markle of Belgium—she’s one overrated leader...sad—they don’t have to tell me what world peace is. I don't need that.”

Fox News’s Shamus Bias asked Trump, “What will you do with units of the Armed Forces now stationed in war zones and potential flash points around the world—I guess we should call them peace points—now that those personnel won’t be needed any more?” 

The president responded, “We’re totally going for that America First thing. Let me tell you, there’s a lot better things those men in our terrific Armies could be doing…like fighting Mexican and Arab terrorists trying to get into this great country...and, you know, the rapists. Like clearing those liberal bleeding hearts out of our national parks so we can give those…a disaster, really so overrated…to someone who really loves them—the oilers and the miners…I love oilers and miners.”

        Sir, that's not the peace sign!"

Then, in what proved a turning point in the press conference, Bias asked for a follow-up question. “Sir, with all due respect, what do the National Parks have to do with world peace? And besides, don’t those public lands actually belong to the public?”

At that point, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer abruptly stepped up to the podium and whispered something in the president’s ear. Trump, his face suddenly flushed, shook his finger at Bias and blurted, "That question...you...are a fake questioner!" Seeming to gain his composure, the president added, “This has been a terrifically open, comprehensive press conference…a huge success.” Then Trump, followed by Spicer, Flynn and the rest of his retinue, simply turned and walked out of the room.

Trump’s surprise exit, just five minutes into the press conference, puzzled even this friendly crowd. Anson Lipschitz of the weapons industry journal, Bang! called it “cryptic…so comprehensive...and yet so concise.”

At the door, Trump turned back toward the reporters, raised the back of his right hand in a fist, smiled triumphantly and extended his middle finger. One journalist, insisting his observation be shared off the record, later told this reporter that he overheard Spicer whisper loudly toward the president, “Sir, that’s not the peace sign!”

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Why a President with an Acute Personality Disorder is a Bad Thing

To whom it may concern:
Here’s the dictionary (Apple Dictionary) definition of narcissism:

     Excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.

     Psychology: Extreme selfishness, with a grandiose view of one's own
     talents and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.

     Psychoanalysis: Self-centeredness arising from failure to distinguish the
     self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of
     mental disorder.


According to the American Psychiatric Association, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) includes these symptoms:

    •    Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
    •    Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that
         warrant it
    •    Exaggerating your achievements and talents
    •    Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty
          or the perfect mate
    •    Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate
          with equally special people
    •    Requiring constant admiration
    •    Having a sense of entitlement
    •    Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your
    •    Taking advantage of others to get what you want
    •    Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings
          of others
    •    Being envious of others and believing others envy you
    •    Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner

So, if by some odd chance seeing these very qualities in the most powerful man in the world—the man who, to a great extent, holds your future and that of your kids and grandkids in his hands—doesn’t concern you, consider this. Here are just a few figures of note known to suffer from NPD:

    •    Jim Jones
    •    Saddam Hussein
    •    Joan Crawford
    •    Ike Turner
    •    Lee Harvey Oswald
    •    Donald Trump
    •    Kayne West
    •    Eva Peron
    •    Simon Cowell
    •    Adolph Hitler
    •    Joseph Stalin
    •    Joseph Mengele
    •    Ted Bundy


    •    Heinrich Himmler
    •    Hermann Göromg
    •    Pol Pot
    •    And, by most accounts…yes, you guessed it…Vladimir Putin (Hm-m-m,
          birds of a feather?)

According to evolutionary psychologist Nigel Barber’s article, “Is Narcissism All Bad” in  Psychology Today (Oct. 9, 2014), the social media phenomenon—yes, including Twitter—of the past 15-20 years has served as rocket fuel to both the pervasiveness and seriousness of narcissistic personality disorder.
MentalHealth.com’s outline of the occupational-economic problems associated with NPD includes these:
  • Causes significant impairment in academic, occupational and/or social functioning
  • (Patients) work poorly with others; they are self-centered, can't tolerate criticism or defeat)
So-o-o, you trump-pets out there: any concerns yet about your guy’s qualifications and temperament for the job? Any concerns at all?

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Tellin' It Like It Is...NOT!

Most trump supporters I’ve seen interviewed come up a little short when asked what it is they so love about the man and his professed policies. Oh, they might recite some nonsense they’ve bought from one of his campaign rants or a tweet about terrorist immigrants or sticking it to China. But what they do say quite clearly, almost to the person, is “…and he tells it like it is.”

Well folks, here’s exactly how your guy is telling it:

Tax Returns: When it comes to this disclosure, one of the few credible pieces of evidence suggesting any presumptive President’s innocence of conflicts of interest—and one which every major-party presidential candidate since 1976 has provided—he’s not tellin.’

Putin Influence: trump’s been accused of being under the thumb of Vladimir Putin—the ruthless, egomaniacal president of an adversary bent on undermining our democratic process. Those tax returns and perhaps a few business records just might put that concern to rest. But uh-uh, he’s not tellin.’

   trump offered a doctor's note—the 
   equivalent of the ten-year-old's note to his teacher saying 
   "Jimmy is xqused from skool today. I am sik."

Russian Obligations: Surely trump has business and banking records to refute allegations that he was bailed out of his massive 1980s bankruptcy by Russian oligarchs whose favor he’d long courted. Right? Nope—not tellin’ that either.

Medical Records: Instead of the specific medical evidence of their physical and psychological health Americans expect of their presidential candidates, trump offered a doctor’s letter—the equivalent of the ten-year-old’s note to his teacher saying “Jimmy is xqused from skool today. I am sick.” Obviously…not tellin.’ 

Contributors: How about disclosing who’s contributing to his inauguration extravaganza—something our last three presidents have done before being sworn in? No way, not tellin.’

     trump is "one of the most secretive presidential candidates 
     in modern history."

Cabinet Nominees: Shouldn’t they be providing Congress with all the customary background materials to clarify any offenses or potential conflicts of interest they might have? Once again, not tellin.’

White House Media Access: Perhaps most chilling of all, trump wants to ban from the White House any reporters who might force him to stop not tellin.’

There are many, many other shady—a better word would be opaque—areas of trump’s dealings, from his claimed charitable giving, to his business practices, to his behavior toward women…the list is long.

So, this is the man a disgruntled minority of American voters say they love for his openness and candor. The man they’ve entrusted with the hardest, most nuanced job in the world. The man who’s supposed to represent the interests and values of this country around the world. The man with his finger on the nuclear trigger. So what will trump do with all that power?

Clearly, there’s no telling.

                     John Wonderlich, executive director of the Sunlight
                     Foundation, which advocates for more openness in
                     government, calls trump one of the most secretive
                     presidential candidates in modern history.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

THE LINE – When Sweet Talk Turns to Abuse

trump supporters: Maybe you admit your president-elect’s not the kind of man you’d want your daughter to date. Maybe there’s just a little lump in your gut that tells you something’s not quite right with the lustful recklessness of his moves on Lady Liberty. Still, you say, you want to at least give the guy a chance.

Okay, I get that. But, in the name of God, decide for yourselves—right now, as he already commits one mindless blunder after another—where you will draw the line on this guy’s conduct as your president.

         If you're unable or unwilling to draw a moral 
        line in the sand, history amply proves despots 
        like trump will draw it for you.

Will the last straw be proof that trump and his family are profiting from decisions and influences affecting U.S. trade policy? An order to hand-select the White House press corps to exclude any whose questions make him uncomfortable?

Maybe evidence that another country—especially a sworn enemy of the United States—has influence over him, perhaps even controls him with the threat of blackmail? Connections to the Mafia? Indictment for a serious crime like tax evasion, election fraud, sexual assault or rape?


Because if you’re unable or unwilling to draw a moral line in the sand, history amply proves despots like trump will draw it for you. And then you’ll soon have to make another decision: how to tell your children and grandchildren yours was the political movement that sat back and watched while America and all her precious, hard-won values got seduced from right under your nose by a fucking TV reality star. And how you just waited while this masher groped, denigrated and brutally defiled our virtuous nation like just another of his bimbo groupies.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Ten Simple Ways to Protest the Trump presidency

Are you feeling as frustrated and powerless as I am over the utter absurdity, the absolute outrage of a Donald Trump presidency? Here are ten simple acts of protest you can use against the soon-to-be loose-cannon, reality-star president of the United States:

1. Refuse to capitalize the title of president in front of the man’s name.

2. Write or call your congressional representatives—whichever side of the aisle they call home—and tell them why you believe Trump’s self-serving, fear-mongering policies are an affront to the time-honored American Values you believe in, and for which so many of our countrymen have fought and died.

    Call him out for his outrageous decisions, actions and 
    comments through whatever means at your disposal.

3. Get out and make a statement with your presence. Make a sign and stand on a busy street corner. Attend one of the inauguration day (and next-day) marches—in Washington DC or one of many other cities throughout the U.S. and around the world.

4. I was going to suggest flying your American flag upside down, but that would demean what the USA stands for, not what Trump stands for. So make your own simple flag or banner—duct tape will do nicely—with a big, bold “T” on it. Then hang that upside down.

5. Follow daily news reports of Trump’s outrageous decisions, actions and comments from sources known for some degree of journalistic integrity. Then call him out for them through whatever means at your disposal—conversations, social media, blogs, etc. (Fight the urge to react to all the man’s taunts—a reaction calculated by Trump and his misinformation squad to spread dissent so thin that it won’t be taken seriously. Pick one or two especially egregious missteps—for example, his refusal to release his tax returns—and go for depth and repetition rather than breadth.)

6. Put your money where your mouth is—by donating to Planned Parenthood, an environmental protection group, a refugee aid program or any organization you believe in which Trump has threatened to gut. Or don’t put your money where his mouth is, by boycotting Trump-related products or services, businesses that carry them, and sponsors of Trump’s media content. There’s even an APP for that.

    Pray that this embarrassment to our great nation will 
    soon be brought down—as have so many tyrants before 
    him—by his own excesses.

7. Find and use a “Not My President!” shirt, banner or other public statement of your disgust with everything this charlatan stands for.

8. Use the #NotMyPresident hashtag in your social media posts.

9. Add something like “Latest Trump Embarrassment” as a Signature to appear automatically at the end of every email you send. Keep it up to date with the previous day’s biggest presidential blunder or blather.

10. Pray. Pray that this embarrassment to our great nation will soon be brought down—as have so many tyrants before him—by his own excesses. (Doing so, of course, in a spirit of loving kindness ;-), and realizing we must be Creation’s instruments in bringing about any such change.)