I also think constantly about how to make sense of this overwhelmingly complex world and where we sit in history by categorizing, contrasting, analogizing.
I know I should be more charitable and eschew the divisiveness that marks this petty dictator’s reign, but as I let my wordsmith’s soul have its way, the divisions and the reasons behind them come into such sharp focus that they’re impossible to deny.
It all comes down to words—their meaning, their power and which of them feel comfortable in whose vocabularies.
And it helps explain why American politics under Trump have become so visceral. For these words represent much more than conservative or liberal bents, one candidate or another’s style, or simply favoring this policy or that. They represent deep-seated differences in who we are as individuals and as members of communities, from local to global.
In each of these word pairs, one word is, I believe, likely to hold great value and reveal the best instincts of one who might think, speak or live by that word. The other word is one that might hold great value and reveal the best instincts of someone living by that word.
So here’s the quiz: Consider each word pair. Don’t worry if some pairs aren’t exact opposites. At first impression, without a moment’s thought, circle the word that most appeals to you.
Vision / Reverence
Utility / Invention
Insight / Investigation
Faith / Truth
Hope / Action
Continuity / Aspiration
Personal Growth / Income
Planning / Dreaming
Wonder / Resolution
Preparation / Foresight
Inclusion / Safety
Candor / Inspiration
Idealistic / Practical
Control / Empowerment
Liberty for all / Authority
Personal Liberty / Greater Good
Innocence / Discipline
Small-town / Multicultural
Opportunity / Security
Sharing / Asking
Responsibility / Freedom
Independence / Unity
Creativity / Building
Common Sense / Science
Cooperation / Individualism
Self-reliance / Charity
Conservation / Utilization
Reward / Risk
Reflection / Certainty
Practicality / Culture
Idealistic / Realistic
Respectful / Questioning
Generosity / Merit
I’d wager that one’s choice of terms
would prove a fairly accurate determinant
of her or his political leanings in the
current landscape.
Now, no changing your answers, okay? Notice how one term of each pair tends to be more concrete, honoring of the past, a sense of control, individual over societal liberty, and holding your “stuff” pretty close to your chest? And the other is perhaps a bit more abstract, oriented toward the future, the positive, the idealistic, the generous?
I’m sure some will say this little challenge simply inflames the polarity. Perhaps. But if the flames don’t cure the disease, at least they might shed some light on it. In fact, I’d wager that one’s choice of terms would prove a fairly accurate determinant of her or his political leanings in the current landscape.
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And, speaking of second terms, I would hope this exercise might serve to articulate the urgency of denying Donald J. Trump one of them.
If you fear a future under the hand of this destructive, criminally incompetent, pretend president, turn that fear to resolve! Leverage your vote by contributing your money and/or time to organizations championing free and fair elections, especially voting by mail in this time of unprecedented challenges to in-person voting.
Vote Forward
Let America Vote
League of Women Voters
American Civil Liberties Union
And think positive; conjure up the image of a Re-United States of America…under any functioning adult!
#LeverageYourVote #VoteFwd
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