Monday, November 25, 2024

THE UN-T – A Symbol For the Resistance

As a graphics designer and sloganeer by trade, I’ve been looking for ways to employ the power of symbols in my resistance against this ridiculous little man who's about to take his second shot at desecrating my country.

Political resistance needs a powerful symbol. Think the Don’t Tread On Me snake, the clenched black fist or that time-honored posterized likeness of Che Guevara.

Our Resistance to Donald Trump’s second anti-democracy regime deserves such an icon. And here it is: a big, bold, brown upside-down “T”. I'm calling it the Un-T.

        It’s logic's symbol for a proposition that is always false.
There’s more to this graphic than just turning the guy’s precious brand on its head. It’s actually the symbol used in the mathematical field of logic for a proposition that is always false (often called a "falsum" or "absurdum”).

Isn't that just perfect? What better battle standard for the Resistance! Let’s make the Un-T () go viral! Will you help?

We must spread the word—or should I say letter. Share it on social media and in our correspondence. And display the graphic on signs, bumper stickers, t-shirts…whatever.

It’s simple—easy to do and not necessarily expensive. I’ll be happy to share a piece of reproducible artwork if you need it for print applications where high resolution is required. But even just a couple of strips of duct tape or some bold marker lines on a t-shirt or banner will do.

        Maybe we could get a few NBA or NFL stars to
        feature the Dump-T on their shoes.

After saturating the social media we get it on people’s shirts and caps, on banners draped from porches and freeway overpasses, on placards for protest marchers, then on billboards and transit. (Any litho or screen printers out there willing to help develop Un-T merch?)

Thinking a bit bigger, why not go even further underground with graffiti strategically painted along the routes of the presidential limousine. (Banksy, you in?) And maybe crop symbols placed in sight of the flight path of Air Force One. Hell, maybe we could even get a few NBA or NFL stars to feature it on their shoes. 


The Un-T is a simple, powerful, instantly recognizable statement. Imagine our little orange Kim Jong Un wannabe assaulted with it everywhere he turns. And the best part? By out-branding that egomaniac with our little stamp of disapproval, it’ll unify and empow-
er us goody-goody liberal elites…and drive him (even more) nuts.

   C'mon folks, let's do this!

I'd love to have your input! Do you know of ways to get a lot of exposure quickly for a subversive brand? Politicians or celebrities we might recruit as allies? Printers who might volunteer their services?

* Crybaby Trump illustration – I spent nearly an hour searching for the artist of this wonderful image, with no results. It's signed: GR '11. Anyone know who did it? I'd like to note proper credit.

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