Monday, October 29, 2018

APPEASING A THUG – The Misplaced Notion of Moral Equivalency In Hyper-partisanship

As mid-term elections loom, many Americans—I think from both sides of the divide—are bemoaning the sorry state of our political and social discourse. I keep hearing the suggestion that any return to civility will require both sides to tone down their rhetoric and try to see each other’s point of view.

Yes, they say, Trump and his neocons bully, degrade and lie…but the “liberal elite” bitches, moans and schemes right back.

This well-intentioned attempt at some kind of balance should concern every American as much as the political and cultural rift itself.

      When someone breaks into your home, starts taking
      your stuff and threatens the future of your children,
      there is no requirement, no expectation, of civility.

There is no moral equivalency in responsibility for the bitter enmity between Trumpublicans’ systematic trashing of cherished, hard-won American values to feather the nests of the rich and powerful, and the Progressives’ impassioned resistance to it. No more than there was in the deadly Charlottesville standoff between white supremacists and decent, mostly peaceful counterprotesters standing up to them—a clash which Trump was quick to blame on “both sides.”

Nope. When someone breaks into your home, starts taking your stuff, perhaps tells you to get out because you’re not like them, and threatens the future of your children, there are not two equally-valid arguments. There is no requirement, no expectation, of civility. You yell; you scream; you strike back the best you can with whatever you’ve got. And you don’t stop until they’re caught and gone.

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