Friday, July 6, 2018

TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES – The True Colors of a President Who Knows Neither

A reality TV star is running this great nation into the ground under the flag of narrow-mindedness. A spoiled-brat bully who grew up with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. A textbook narcissist who's never had to face the consequences of his impulsive, egocentric decisions.

Taught from an early age that decency is a liability. (You don’t have to be nice as long as you win.) Has repeatedly bought, bribed or browbeaten himself out of any culpability—including for sexual assault—or responsibility—including for military service.

  His little tantrums on social media...seem to 
  hold the same perverse appeal to his fans as a 
  ransom note from a psychopathic kidnapper.

This emotional adolescent has always done exactly and only what benefits him and strokes his ego, no matter whom it hurts. Anyone who’s ever tried to hold him accountable for his misdeeds is subject, first, to his little tantrums on social media—which seem to hold the same perverse appeal to his fans as a ransom note from a psychopathic kidnapper.

If that doesn’t get him out the jam, he unleashes his high-powered lawyers on them. His mantra: when people call you out on your illegal, immoral behavior, double down. Crush them. Whatever it takes—lies, threats, countersuits… And in the rare case in which all of this fails, there’s always the big, secret payoff. Bribe them into submission.

      He’s acting out all those insecurities on 
      our country and every single one of its 
      citizens as if to punish us for our ignorance.


Compensating for deep-seated insecurities, this small, small man has left a swath of human carnage in his fool’s gold wake - personal relations, business associates, employees, marriage partners…anyone unwilling to enable him and his outsized ambition.

And now, cast in a role he sought only as a prank—and fully expected to dodge—he’s acting out all those insecurities on our country and every single one of its citizens as if to punish us for our ignorance.

As if this scourge weren’t reprehensible enough when he was just a rich, influential businessman and celebrity, he now holds what is arguably the most powerful position in the world. Through his outrageous decisions and behavior as US president, he’s now on track to hurt not just those stupid enough to do business with him, not just those aggrieved and fearful enough to vote for him, but untold millions of innocent people here and around the world—for generations into the future.

         It is our only reasonable hope for 
         exterminating this infestation gnawing 
         at the foundations of our decent, daring, 
         democratic nation.

This man and the shameless brown-nosers who do his bidding must be stopped. Fortunately, one institution of this great democracy that still survives, despite this junta’s—and its unlikely, clearly anti-American allies’—best efforts to throttle it, exists for just this purpose: free and fair elections.

Whatever flaws America’s electoral-college voting system may have, it is, I’m afraid, our only reasonable hope for exterminating this infestation gnawing at the foundations of our decent, daring, democratic nation. Speak up. Get behind candidates—even at the local level—with the decency and courage to stand up to the reckless tyrant in our midst.

Support the Mueller Investigation’s freedom to uncover the facts about Russian assaults on democracy and the crimes committed by Americans involved in the Trump campaign to facilitate foreign influence.

Vote…and see if you can’t help someone who might not otherwise be able to get to the polls do so.

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