Wednesday, August 14, 2019

DENYING DENIAL – Fighting the False with the Hypothetical

Have you ever tried describing something quite obvious to a person who’s in denial about its very existence? It’s like talking sense to an addict.

This is what’s happening on a massive scale with the Trump debacle. To be fair, part of his base will admit to a few of the reality-show president’s glaring flaws of personality, character, intellect, comportment and leadership.

But they like what he says he’s doing for them, so the flaws don’t matter. At least they’re honest enough to acknowledge some of what’s right there in front of them, manifest in the man’s very words and actions.

  If you don’t like what credible journalists—or 
  even scientists—say, just claim they’re all lying.

The rest of Trump’s base is not so honest. They manage to salve what’s left of their consciences by simply refusing to admit the man is what he has proven himself to be. None of the Twit’s behavior, they insist, rises even to the level of mildly objectionable…because it doesn’t exist.

Not his sexual depravity or abuse; not the business improprieties; not his admiration for—nor collusion with—sworn enemies of American democracy; not his emoluments; not his obstruction of justice; not the corruption; not the nepotism… Not a thing.

Oh my God! These folks would grant carte blanche to Mao Zedong or Josef Stalin if he promised to beat back all the bogeymen Trump’s convinced them are swarming at their door.

Reasoning with these poor suckers is useless. You lay out the proof; you point to examples; you support your contentions with credible sourcing. And their response? Denial. One of two classic devices pathological liars have used since Adam and Eve blurted “What apple?”

Or the other: fake news. If you don’t like what credible journalists—or even scientists—say, just claim they’re all lying.

  What specific actions by some fictional
  president would make Putin and other enemies
  of democracy wring their hands in delight?

The more truth you lay out for these cretins, the more threatened they are by the prospect of being exposed for their ignorance—or, worse, their true motives. So I’m exploring another approach: instead of trying to fight lies and deception with facts, fight them with something sure to utterly disarm them: hypotheticals.

Here’s how it works:
They say Donald Trump is not immoral. I respond, “Okay, let’s assume for a moment that that’s true. Tell me, please, what would it look like if some future U.S. president were immoral? Exactly what behaviors would be extreme enough to make you uncomfortable?”

They maintain the Twit is not a puppet of Vladimir Putin, methodically undermining democratic institutions, alienating time-honored allies and dividing Americans into warring factions. “I hear you, but if that were happening, what would that look like? What specific actions by some fictional president would make Putin and other enemies of democracy wring their hands in delight?”

They insist their guy knows what he’s doing and is a capable leader? “That’s a good one, but let’s just say he is. List for me some behaviors that might convince you otherwise.”


Get the idea? Okay, now those of you for whom facts still mean more than beliefs, let’s get out there and kick some disingenuous butt. Lull your Trumpie friends, relatives or co-workers, by your apparent acknowledgment, into a sense of victory, of smug superiority.

Then totally destroy them using their own propensity for the make-believe against them. Can’t you just picture how they’ll squirm? If they fall for the ruse they’ll be tricked into describing their hero as the incompetent, immoral traitor he is. If not, they’ll just be left speechless, betraying their own ignorance.

Either way, you win. Right?

Saturday, August 10, 2019

ACT YOUR RAGE! – Stand Up to the NRA

In a poignant expression of what a vast majority of Americans are feeling, a member of the other day’s audience at the vigil remembering victims of the Dayton massacre interrupted Ohio governor Mike DeWine’s comments, blurting out, “Do something!” As DeWine continued, others added their voices, building to a chant no one could claim not to hear.

Do something? Do anything constructive to control the use of firearms designed for nothing but killing large numbers of people quickly? They will not.

Not as long as not a single republican member of Congress dares face the wrath of the National Rifle Association.

And here’s the most incredible part. These gun-totin’ cavemen insist that their right to bear arms is so they can defend themselves against a tyrannical government.* And yet right under their noses the very government they’ve so fervently been praying for—the regime a sworn enemy of our country has helped deliver for them—has them armed to the teeth, defending their front doors from immigrants, queers, and any number of other contrived bogeymen, while robbing them blind from the back door.

A ruthless, morally dead oligarchy runs rough-shod over them and over one timeless American value and virtue after another in favor of the rich and powerful’s insatiable lust for control, and they claim not to notice it. It is textbook tyranny, the kind any fool should recognize…even with his head up his ass.

     They are high on their taste of power,
     motivated and energized. They are
     counting on our complacency.

A CYBER-9/11
So, our supreme leader, this gutless, draft-dodging, spiritually empty joke of a president, continues his trademark politics of division. Three times now, right after mass shootings, the liar in chief has read scripted words from the teleprompter promising to do something, hoping to placate the ninety percent of Americans who support common-sense gun control measures, only to renege on those words days later.

He is clearly empowering not just the growing list of this country’s enemies around the world, but the real perpetrators of most of these recent mass murders: red-white-and-blue, all-American Billy Bobs who, goaded by his hateful rhetoric, are emboldened to act out their rage.

Meanwhile, Trump’s self-declared soul-mate, Russian megalomaniac Vladimir Putin, and the president's other despotic role models around the world wring their hands in delight. How could an assault on American democracy possibly be delivered to them any more spectacularly? It is nothing less than a cyber-9/11.

What can be done? One can use whatever platform is available to them to speak up. One can hope the NRA will implode on its own depravity. Or one can get involved in supporting political candidates with the cojones to defy this cowardly, thoroughly corrupt republican party and its gun-toting partner-in-crime.

These are the real enemies of our country. They are high on their taste of power, motivated and energized. They are counting on our complacency. We must show them they are wrong.

* Actually, the second amendment of U.S. Constitution says the right to “keep and bear arms.” exists in order to maintain “a well-regulated militia,” not so every Billy Bob out there can be a bad-ass.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

STOLEN GLORY – When Sacred Symbols Become Sacred Cows

Don’t get me wrong. I love this flag. I respect it as one symbol—perhaps the most emblematic—
of our country, the United States of America.

To me the flag stands for all that’s tried and true, old and new about this great nation. First of all, the idea, that bold original vision, of a government whose structure and values would stand the test of time and become the envy of the rest of the world.

But, like any symbol, a flag starts out as a nearly empty vessel that gets filled with associations, with its enduring meaning, only over time. The US flag—the one with a circle of stars that the Continental Congress mandated in the first Flag Act of June 14, 1777—was at first little more than an exercise in graphic identity: stripes for the original 13 colonies; stars for each subsequent state, colors connoting the country’s aspirational values.

Since then it has acquired countless reinforcements of that image, the vast majority of them involving decent, even noble, policies and actions. There have also been blotches of shame.

I honor Old Glory, despite those blemishes, for representing our country’s sincere efforts to follow its citizens' best instincts. For global leadership. For well-considered change and growth. For the sacrifices citizens have made to defend those precious bedrock values: “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Symbols, whether those representing nations or corporations or movements, need constant attention to make sure the values they represent do not lose their power or become tainted. Some, like the hammer and sickle, while they surely have positive associations for those invested in them, conjure nothing but repression, cruelty and fear for others around the world.

The swastika, which for centuries had enjoyed mostly positive artistic and spiritual associations, got twisted into the very embodiment of evil when appropriated by Nazi Germany. [Sadly, the full extent of such monstrous mutations often becomes evident only in hindsight.]

       Make no mistake, the hijacking of symbols
       is one of the very hallmarks of tyranny.

Fortunately, symbols of my country have been stewarded wisely, managing, despite some great failings, to retain their time-honored respect and admiration for generations.

Until now.

Witness what is happening to our great USA flag during our country’s current convulsion of aggrieved, me-first nationalism. A newly-empowered minority, emboldened by their hero, a reckless, morally bankrupt, aggressively insecure president, would like to hijack the star-spangled banner to represent not America’s characteristic leadership, generosity and optimism—values all Americans can share—but their own misguided beliefs.

Here’s what that looks like: I have Facebook friends—Trump supporters—who’ve apparently gotten sick and tired of getting called out for their fear-based, anti-tolerance posts. Having lost all credibility for their continuing praise of the most dubious president in U.S. history, they’ve turned to symbols they see as unassailable.

They’re the same kinds of sacred cows that oppressive regimes around the world always lionize: the flag, the “office” of the supreme leader, the military heroes. Oh, and, in evangelical America, let’s not forget God.

        “We’re watching you, just waiting for
          another sign that the reason you abhor
          the current degenerate administration in
          Washington is that you hate America.”

It’s one thing to put out there an image of the U.S. flag or of some poor combat vet who’s lost his or her legs to an IED. I’m happy to “like” or “sad-face” that. But it’s another thing entirely when they challenge you to either accept their view of patriotism—saturated with their own warped interpretation of national values—or be labeled somehow traitorous.


“We’ll just see who’s patriotic enough”—read redneck reactionary enough—“to share this.” Of course, the implication is “We’re watching you, just waiting for another sign that the reason you abhor the current degenerate administration in Washington is that you just plain hate America.”

Make no mistake, the hijacking of symbols is one of the very hallmarks of tyranny. One need only look to history (like science, something these nationalist zealots despise for its honesty) to know that mindless flag worship is a favorite device for rendering truth dangerous.

      They are very small steps, indeed, from a
      symbol used in inspire, to one used to incite,
      to one used because it becomes mandated
      by those who have usurped power.

A collapsing country’s emblems, even those once standing for visionary ideas, begin taking on new meanings, defended with new fervor. At first, the tainting may be subtle—like who would care if people wave their little American flags at a Trump rally. But then folks are seen waving them at white nationalist rallies and in other expressions of intolerance which, in kinder, gentler times, we would have thought beneath us as citizens of this land of freedom and equality.

Before long, you can’t run for office without an Old Glory flag pin, or conduct a meeting without reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

They are very small steps, indeed, from a symbol used to inspire, to one used to incite, to one used, alas, because it becomes mandated by those who have usurped power.

In the words of American abolitionist Wendell Phillips:

 “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty;
   power is ever stealing from the many to the few.”

Well, you alt-right lemmings, I’m here to tell you that neither Old Glory—nor the Pledge, nor the White House, nor the wounded vet, nor the American eagle (nor any symbol of our good ol’ USA)—is yours for the taking.

So go ahead and wear your little Make America Great caps. Recite your pledge. Salute all you want. But Old Glory is the flag of every American, not just those who look like you, think like you, love like you or pray like you. In fact, I would remind my Trumpist friends that what our star-spangled banner represents also belongs, in ways your fear has apparently obscured, to those who aspire to become Americans. Like your ancestors.